IELTS Writing Tips

With regard from the best IELTS training centre in Madurai namely IELTS Madurai it guides students by illustrating IELTS Writing Tips. It is one of the important sections where students could get easy high band score.

In the essay, often the students would find background information and the question itself. So make sure the students answer the question. For example “Do you agree?” the students should not write generally about the topic. If students copy or replicate another essay which you have written on the same topic, then students could lose a lot of marks. From task 1, all the details students require to include is in the chart/graph and make sure they professionally identify the key points before they start writing.

It is vital to finish both pieces of writing, but the way to do this is not necessarily start writing immediately. If you do that, the students might get half way through the writing and realize it is not possible to finish it. Only start writing when students know how you are going to finish.


In the essay the students could mean up to 10 minutes and in the task 1 report it could mean up to 5 minutes. The more you think the better and more instantly students could write. 2/3 minutes is certainly not enough. If they ask to write for 250 words AT LEAST 250 and 150 means AT LEAST 150. The more words students write more mistakes you are likely to make. The ideal words are focused for between 260 – 280 words in the essay and 160-180 words in the report. IELTS Writing Tips from best IELTS training centre in Madurai namely IELTS Madurai is appreciated from all corners of globe.

Sometimes if students copy whole sections of the question, the examiner would actually not include those words in your word count so eventually 260 words could become 230 words if you are not careful.

The above IELTS Writing Tips guidance from IELTS Madurai is dedicated for global passionate students. The best IELTS training centre in Madurai namely IELTS Madurai is expediently publishing numerous blog articles for benefit of passionate students. In conclusion and final analysis the best IELTS coaching centre in Madurai namely IELTS Madurai suggests this adept guidance of IELTS Writing Tips in benefit of global students.

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